family getting in combine

Is the tractor drive the most important player on the farm?

I use to think that I wasn’t contributing if I wasn’t in the cab. Then I spent more time in the cab, and realized how pivotal a pinch hitter can be in keeping all the cabs going.

I remember being in high school with my list to check cows, keep mineral tubs full, keep tabs on the yard and help when someone called.

It felt pointless and unhelpful to not be on the front lines.

When I got older and in the cab a few more times I realized how much goes on at home while the cabs are rolling.

When that happens it means the cabs don’t get going right away, have to stop & come home, or have to quit early.

*unless there is a person at home to handle everything else…


Being *stuck* as the yard person wasn’t really being stuck at all, or unhelpful or not contributing.

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