family getting in combine

Monthly Subscriptions for Saving Money

Saving money with a monthly subscription sounds counterintuitive, I know, but stay with me.

First a disclaimer: We love and value our local stores. We shop in our small-town grocery store weekly and are so grateful to have that option close!

Subscriptions to Save

For non-perishable necessities that we go through on a consistent basis, I signed up for a subscription service. Partly to save money on the items for being signed up (they give us a small discount on our purchase for signing up to get it on a recurring basis), and also to take a task off my list. Having toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, diapers, wipes and soap delivered when we are about to run out has been such a nice service.

As for the savings, the subscription shows us how much we’ve saved since starting them up again when we moved in our house 11 months ago. I’ve saved $18 on wipes, $47 on size 2 diapers, and $172 on Propel. Not earth shattering, get rich quick money, but I can think of many fun “things” I can spend $237 on instead, like interest for our debt 😉

Mental Load Savings

When I went to see how much we’ve saved with the subscriptions in the last year, I honestly was expecting more. The appreciation I have for “outsourcing” managing the inventory on these items and keeping them stocked is worth so much more than our savings. Running a house and managing a family takes time, intention and effort – WAY more than I thought it did when my mom was taking care of us. Having this help has been such a help to keep our family afloat, especially during wild seasons where we are gone much more than we’re home.

If you haven’t tried this mom/family hack, I highly recommend it. 10/10 Plus you don’t have to pay a membership to use this service! I do get a higher percentage discount because I’m a Prime member and I do multiple items a month, but if/when we forgo keeping Prime it still makes sense for us to keep using Subscribe & Save!

Sidenote — taking essentials like toilet paper out of the plastic packaging it comes in brings me such joy! I haven’t always done it this way and it is wildly nice, like unexpectedly way nicer, grabbing a roll that I don’t have to wrestle out of the package. If you haven’t tried storing your items like this, it’s another 10/10 recommend you try it!

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