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Deep In The Work

We should discuss some expectations. While we are working daily I see the opportunities for really cool photos flashing all around, but I’m unable to get most of them.

What you’re getting here often is a screenshot from a video filmed with the front camera. Super low quality with a subpar angle.

Yesterday, I was slinging 3 syringes. To fill 2 of the 3, I needed to mix a powder with a sterile dilutant. Each time I did a nasal spray I needed to change out my cannula. Then I helped coax the calf out of the head gate when we were finished.

I was falling behind when we had a heifer in and barely keeping up for the steers. There wasn’t time to step back and take fancy photos. The culture we have is focused on the work, focus on the task at hand; this isn’t a photo op first and rightfully so.

I feel like I’m letting you down. I want this place to showcase the incredible art that is working agriculture, but I’m not able to capture it because I am working…

Oh how I wish I had stunning pictures to show you that captured the milestone of yesterday while conveying the emotions of getting the calves weaned.

Thanks for imagining through stories and reading between the lines to fully paint the pictures I’m not able to capture to share here.

To the people elbow deep in the work first, I see you.

To all the people able to document the work, thank you for doing it so beautifully.

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