How A Cleaning Lady Helped Our Family of 6

I have a lady that comes to clean our house! It’s as amazing as it sounds. However, I haven’t always felt this way about having the help. It’s been a process to get to this point. We call her our cleaning fairy godmother and she is such a gift to our family.

She’s been with us since calving with our first baby. Kade would wake up around 4AM, I’d feed him then we’d take off on our 40 minute drive to the farm to do the 6AM check. We’d be at the farm all day 6 days a week. On Sundays we’d go to church in the morning and sometimes have an afternoon at home to try to catch up from the week. While we were home, I couldn’t relax or hang out in a dusty house with showers that could use a scrub, but Kyle could. He’d be ready to take the opportunity for a nap and I’d be wild feeling like I was carrying the full household load, alone.

I felt like I was drowning and couldn’t keep up while I was trying to figure out life with a kid. So I called our fairy godmother to clean.

In my mind, I justified that it would be a Mother’s Day gift. One time to catch us up. Coming home to that clean house was glorious. It was such a gift to my inner peace!

Then this sweet lady called me 3 weeks later to ask if I was ready for her again. Like she really knew I needed to stay on her rotation and knew I wasn’t going to call her on my own because I wasn’t ready. My mind wasn’t completely bought in to “letting” us have this kind of help yet, but I didn’t have the heart to say no when she called me. So I said yes and she keeps calling me every 3 weeks to ask if we’re ready for her. We always are! I’ll start to notice the dust and she’ll call that evening. It’s like she has this special sense of timing it perfectly.

It took awhile to work through my feelings of having to justify such a luxury. It would be for my birthday or as a Christmas gift. Then I started to let all that go. Started to embrace that we could have help cleaning our house because we wanted it. It was fine to choose to play with my kids when we found free time instead of using that time to clean. 

I really found peace when I decided I would rather find help to do the jobs I was struggling to get done than find help watching my kids to do those jobs. Can I also say, I despise cleaning. I’ve never found my rhythm or enjoyment from actually cleaning. Tidying on the other hand is a different story. I enjoy the tidying and organizing, none of the cleaning. Each evening I walk in the house after she has cleaned, though, feels magical, pure enjoyment in our home. Five years in and the magic hasn’t worn off, if anything it’s gotten stronger after we didn’t have her for our little rental house last year! Like everything, it may not be forever. One day I might clean my house again, as of now, I really hope not! For now, I’m so grateful that I can reallocate that time to be with my family, just be. 

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    Lorna Scott
    June 5, 2024

    Definitely NOT a luxury!!! If you needed something done in a business but you didn’t enjoy it or you weren’t good at it, you would contract it out. Raising a family should be no different. When I had 7 kids 9 years and under (adopted a family from foster care) , and was farming full time, I had a gal who came on Tuesdays and Fridays for two hours each time. It made such a difference in my attitude toward everything! One of the best things we ever did! It may be a luxury for some, but not for you!

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    Karen Vis
    June 6, 2024

    How wonderful. I am sure she is costing your family less, than a dependable hired man. As I am a cleaning lady myself, please reward her with little gifts, like maybe some home raised meat, a massage or just a nice written thank you note, with a $20 tucked inside.

    • chelsey
      > Karen Vis
      June 12, 2024

      This is so encouraging to hear! Thank you! We do love to leave her notes. Adding meat is a great idea, thank you!

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