Our banker asked us how much our yearly living would be. I said $12,000 per year.
I remember the first time Kyle and I met with our banker to get an operating loan after we were married. He asked us what we thought our family living would be? Before this I had lived with roommates in college, then lived with my parents when I moved back and got a job. While I was in college my rent was $500 a month so when our banker asked us I said we could live on $12,000 a year…
Or maybe I should say 😂😂😂😂
Kyle quickly upped it and I’ve been seeing this number differently ever since.
I gotta be honest, this isn’t a number I keep close track of. We live frugally, but I’ve never waited for the next month to buy something we need just to keep our paper budget in order. I did wait to buy toothpaste once though when I thought we were really poor and then Kyle came home with a forklift… good times 🙃
Anyway, I work hard to not be wasteful. If we don’t need it, I don’t buy it. We have a few treats — Kyle’s are consumables and I get my hair done quarterly.
I’m really curious on what our number would be, but the effort it would take to track it for the year is not something I currently have the capacity for. Not sure tracking for a week or a month would work either because we spend in such waves that it’s not super consistent. We haven’t bought groceries in over two weeks so then we went 2 days in a row.
Anyway, again, if our banker asked us what our family living would be now I’m not sure what I’d say. Mental math: groceries + electricity + internet + water + randoms = rough monthly cost??
Do you know what your yearly family living is? Or perhaps you keep a monthly budget?