Thoughts on turning 30 from a farmer

Now that I got my driver’s license renewed, I can tell you I turned 30. 😂

It was more bitter than sweet.

I told Kyle I was super disappointed to have missed out on my chance to make a 30 under 30 list. In my mind, I have always seen myself as ambitious and motivated to make powerful impacts.

His response, “Well what type of list would you have wanted to make?”

… 🤔

When I thought through what I was most proud of accomplishing and if I had any areas of my life that I had regret about pursuing, there weren’t any particular 30 under 30 lists that would have fit the bill.

I’m most proud of the way we’ve found a way to spend this much time with the kids, proud of what Kyle and I have been working to build together, proud of how the first years of motherhood have sharpened me and pushed me to be stronger than I ever imagined.

Proud that we’re doing life as a family. Proud that we’re building something much bigger than ourselves. Proud that we’re doing it our way even when it’s ridiculously hard and there isn’t anyone else doing it the same.

So here’s to 30 and finding contentment without outside accolades. Because really, the most important work I’ll do, is work the outside world will never see. 🤍

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