We are production agriculture, which means our margins are small and we operate on volume. We’re a family operation and this place directly supports 8 families.
As I was out checking cows I was thinking about what a “factory” a cow was to take grass + water and make it into beef.
Absolutely incredible!
Then I was thinking about how our product is a commodity. It’s not especially distinguishable from others.
Which means we sell most of it as a group. We get paid on volume. Our marketing doesn’t and wouldn’t yield us a better price for being able to showcase what makes our product different. Marketing a commodity is about timing.
Our efforts are put into creating more volume and efficiency in our costs. That’s how we make more money with this model.
And by more money I mean enough to keep going. Enough to invest back in the business and pay our debt.
Production agriculture is volume. And it’s still a family.
Food comes from families. Families like ours, in production ag.