How ‘bout those newborn calf prices?! 😱
I’m in a group on Facebook and saw a post last night about an operation with short-term cows willing to pulls calves for people that need one. I think I’d do the same with this market!
Best price I’ve seen is a market report Kyle found: 105# for $895 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The heifer out of a heifer that Kade sold gave him a $650 deposit. Very happy with it, but I’ve been meaning to sit down and do some math to see how proportional this swing in prices is to the rest of prices/inputs.
What do you think of these calf prices??
Kyle’s not much of a fan of the cows so he thinks it’d be great to pull all the calves and sell as newborns for these prices 🙃