We all use money. We should talk about money and share what works for us so that we can all grow our net worth.
Our household has zero steady or consistent income streams. There is no salary/hourly paycheck, no rental income, no dividends, no guaranteed cash flow. We don’t have any idea how much money we will have come in during any month. And likewise, little idea of unforeseen expenses as well.
As a way to mitigate this, we do our best to minimize our monthly bills.

When we have an increase in cash, we pay ahead on our water bill. So usually we pay our water bill only a few times per year.
We do not have vehicle loans.
Our Fairy Godmother cleaning fund stays stocked ahead of time.
Beef is purchased in quarters or halves then stocked in the freezer. This makes a drastic difference when budgeting groceries. Not to mention the priceless benefit of food security.
Having our own phone plan would be outrageous, so we continue to stay on our respective family’s phone plans and pay yearly.
It works best for our lifestyle that we pay ahead on everything we have every time we see money come in. In a way, it taps into the Dave Ramsey theory of a zero sum game. We choose to zero out with each flush of money rather than each month.
We all use money. We should talk about money and share what works for us so that we can all grow our net worth.