You know how some kids fall asleep to the sweet hum and vibration in a cab?
Ya, not my kids. Not even once.
There are no accidental naps or unintentional naps in our combine.
Each nap, is handled the same way we’d do it not in a cab.
Our routine stays the exact same.
Make a nest/bed.
Read 2 books.
Say prayers.
Lie down to let your body rest.
Whether we’re in the shop break room or in a cab in a field, we do it the same way.
Then when we wake up we have a snack 🥳🥳
Keeping a routine in the cab helps us keep our days consistent and these kids have always appreciated know what to expect next.
No matter where we are or what we’re doing — we can take a nap. ☺️
Ok, if you have the kids that can be lulled to sleep in a cab please tell me how!