I didn’t expect to be a girl mom.
My mom and I were talking about this the other day and she said something about God knew you needed the sanctification. 🙃
There’s something about girls. Especially parenting a girl, as a girl.
I’m much more concerned I’ll put their fire out while trying to train them up to be ladies.
More concerned I’ll break their spirit than if there’s anything they won’t be able to accomplish.
There’s a tenderness to a girl’s touch when handling heifers. I’ve seen it.
There’s an attention to detail, an innovative mind, and tenacity in the drive to be successful. I’ve seen it all. Many times in many places.
It’s an honor to add girls to agriculture. Whether they stay in agriculture or pursue other endeavors, they’ll always be able to say they were raised here.
Raised capable, respectful, confident in their abilities, and persistent in their efforts.
Here’s to the girls of ag ❤️ What an unexpected honor it’s been to mother you.