Today, a dent in the ranger, a mosquito bite and time.
Today’s God whisper felt crystal clear — doing the right thing is likely always going to cost more. It’s going to be harder, it’s going to take more effort and it’s probably going against the grain.
This calf was out across the road from our pasture. My first thought was text the guy that his calf was out then get back on with my day.
What if I tried getting her in and she bolted off somewhere? What if I open the gate to let her in and more get out? What if I get stuck?
Plethora of excuses not to try.
But I was already there.
There wasn’t a gate along the whole half mile of fence she was on. I’d have to take her around the corner and up along the other side.
The first try she bolted across the road to stand with our calves.
So I tried again. She started walking nice and her mom came along inside. I hit a rock with the Ranger, got to some mud and put it in 4WD. She must have been out awhile because when we got to water she went straight to it, sticking her head under the fence to drink. She was half a neck under so I pushed through and got her back in 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Didn’t take too long, not many mosquito bites, stayed mostly dry in the Ranger and did the right thing.
Something I hope my kids are picking up on. Doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. It’s going to likely be the hard way, likely cost more in many ways, but yet it’s the right thing.