They’ve named this beast of a storm, Haley.

Haley Storm Day 1
Our first day started with no snow when we thought it would be snowing by the time we left our house so we called that a win.
Then we won some more by not having many new babies today. Plus we are getting moisture. There’s well more than a foot on ground now and it’s filled with water.
Triage managed to keep up today. The calves were coming off a dry night with full bellies so the day of snow was manageable.
Tonight will be different. Tomorrow will be different.
When in doubt, we colostrum, always. Except right now. We only have 5 calves worth left. The new box is set to come tomorrow, but the odds aren’t looking good so we are rationing what we have. Colostrum is only for dire emergencies, no just in case situations.
We’ve got a night crew that’s been on nights so that helps. The night plan is any calf that looks cold is going in the warming shed. Triage.
Tomorrow, when day crew is back on we will continue to triage. Bottles in bellies, calves out of the wind & snow, freshies paired and cows fed.
In the morning, at 7:35AM Central, Papa Jeff will be live on @foxweather to share what a storm day looks like for those of us with livestock.
Again, to those praying with us — it brings tears to my eyes.

Haley Storm Day 2
Not at all what we expected.
The forecast showed we would have a short respite of snow and wind in the morning, but then it lasted all day!
The difference between storm aftermath & the heat of the storm is fighting the weather. Today still included triage.
It’s almost as if the survival adrenaline from the storm wears off and the babies go down after.
We fed many bottles to babies that looked cold & hungry.
We cycled many babies through the warmer.
We had two babies so cold we had to give them a hot water bath to save them.
We penned up many cows with their babies so they could claim each other and pair up.
We fed many bales.
We spread many bales for bedding.
We tagged many new babies & tried to sort out mystery calves.
There was never an end. We never caught up. There was always more and more.
Always thankful it wasn’t worse. There are many producers not far west of us still battling the weather.