It was easier to pack one kid along than four.
Not at the time, of course. Packing that first kid along was learning as we went. It was mentally tackling the rapid decline in our efficiency. It wasn’t easy at all.
Until I look back it now.
It was much easier to have one kid on the hip than an eye on four, three of which can move fairly quickly. 😉
So as hard as this season is while we find our new rhythm I’m hopeful I’ll look back soon to see how much we’ve stretched and how much “easier” life has become because we’ve grown.
The Comments
Would love to hear more about how you navigated the first and bringing a baby along for the day to day and cow chores and responsibilities. We just welcomed our first 8 weeks ago and it feels like such a mountain to climb before we get to “easier” “used to it” “finding our groove”. It feels overwhelming trying to get the same stuff done we have always done but with a baby in tow and how to do it safely. Any and all suggestions welcome!
> LaurenFirst, CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you’re all feeling well. Okay, thinking back to what made it manageable — it never felt manageable in the moment. In the moment was always stretching me and hard. Looking back on it, even the day after or a week later I could see the fruit of my labor. Next, we never had the option to not go. We always went. It was my responsibility to show up just like any other job. I think that really made a difference for me personally. There was never a tiny thought in the back of my mind of “this would be easier if,” it was always, “how can we figure this out.” A few baby gear items have been really helpful; baby wrap, baby carrier, wagon, diaper station, books, blankets. Also, the village. They all took turns. Whoever had the safest job, took the baby. It was a team effort! Cheering you so big ❤️